BC Airports Access Program Grant

Following a 2 year process which included 2 applications, the 2020/2021 BC Airports Access Program grant application, submitted by the District of Kitimat and the Kitimat Flying Club, has been approved. This will support a major refurbishment, of the runway and taxiway at the Kitimat Airpark, along with the construction of a helipad.

We would like to acknowledge and thank the numerous groups, organizations and individuals that have supported our endeavors, which will provide a valuable long-term economic, emergency access etc. and asset for the Kitimat Valley:

The Mayor, Councilor's, and staff of the District of Kitimat, Kentron Construction, Ellis Ross, MLA , Search and Rescue, Canadian Owners and Pilots Association, BC General Aviation Association, Terrace Air Cadets, Canadian Coast Guard, among others.

Special Thanks to Past Presidents Jim Tiviotdale, Bob Rypma, and numerous Executive members, of the Kitimat Flying Club, who over the past 5 years, provided the ground work, effort, expertise and persistence, that has made the upgrade of the Kitimat Airpark, possible.

Don McAndrew, President Kitimat Flying Club, www.kitimatflyingclub.ca Email: kitimatflyingclub@hotmail.com

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